Wednesday 23 October 2013

COP 3 : structure

Working question:  Is creative innate, can it be developed and what is its value?

Chapter One – What is the physiology of the creative brain?
Where is the creative part located?
Is there such a thing as a creative brain?
Is creativity something you are born with?
How does the creative brain work? (stimulation) (jazz musicians)
What is the process of creative thinking?
Is creativity something that can be further developed?
If so, how do we develop creativity?   (links with practice – experiment to see if creativity can be developed & how creativity can be developed)
What is the personality of a creative person? (generally speaking)

Chapter Two
What value does creativity bring to:
Design – form and function?
Teaching methods?     (more accessible – more interesting)
How necessary is the creative environment to other fields of work?  (indirectly nurtures ideas – different ways to think about things) -  (lateral thinking)

Chapter  Three
What is the value of the process of creativity to the person?
Can creativity be cathartic?
Does creativity improve mental health issues?

In conclusion, creativity is an essential component
Outsider Art & Art Brut


This is the first draft of the structure for my extended piece of writing. It cover all of the areas of interest that I have been researching. I have decided to explore the title Is creative innate, can it be developed and what is its value? As this is a question that can be fully explored and developed it is also something which I am interested in and from doing my research thus far I know there are many tests of creativity and way of developing creativity which I will be able to research into and engage with active research which is an important part to this module. Although my title does directly link to graphic design I think the fundamentally underpins graphic design and is what makes the difference between design that you pass everyday and forgot compared to design work that you see and it sticks with you and is innovative. The design world needs less rubbish that just gets filtered out of our heads and more exciting creative pieces. Through exploring this essay hopefully I will be able to comment on how creativity can be enhanced and harness and what value it can bring to graphic design but also to society in general too, as I think this is something which should be addressed as the word creative seems to just carry connotation of just applying to the 'arty folk' when actual fact 'creative' thought is beneficially and used in many professions such as science and this is something which should be considered.

Structure for intro :

This dissertation explores creativity, in order to identify whether creativity is innate and can be further developed.  It will also look at the value of creativity in relation to design, teaching and mental health issues.  A historical and contemporary approach will be taken and qualitative and quantitive research will be carried out through interviews and questionnaires.  
Reference will be made to the theories of……………………and …………………………..
Chapter One investigates………
Chapter Two addresses…..
Chapter Three looks at………..

(There will be a main focus on………)

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