Wednesday, 15 May 2013

COP2 : THOERY INTO PRACTICE - format research

These are some examples of pulblication formats that are interesting an unique which is how I want my publication to look.

The above is a really clever format for a book. It is visually very striking and makes the publication more disirable to look at.

The above publication could be an interesting way to reveal parts of the book, it could be a way of highlighting parts of the gaze, zooming in on parts of the body, it would be a way of making my publication more interactive and entertaining for the audience.

I wont be designing in this style as I think it is not very visualy striking, but I find it really interesting how organised and neat the packaging is, it is realy clever how it all goes together.

This is another example of using die-cut as a reveal mechanism. Interesting techinique and process that could be applied effectivley.

I really love the format of the above publication it is three publication which join together but seperate out into 3 different publications. This is a really neat and interesting way of making a publication with different layers. I want to apply this to my work as a way of seperating the publication into sections as I want to focus on the three areas of 

Music videos
cd artwork

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