Wednesday, 15 May 2013

COP2 : THEORY INTO DESIGN - design development

Vinyl :

The Above are the first two vinyls I experimented with earlier when developing the concept. I have decided to keep these as they are as I am pleased with them aesthetically. I will use the same process I used for making them, finding suibtable images of Beyonce's face that will fit the image, croping it and merging it with the other image. I will also make sure the typography matches as much as it can so that the aesthetic quality of the image is exactly as it was, just with a different person and words.

Selecting Bey :

Above are some examples of Beyonce that I have frankensiends with the other artists. It was really difficult to find 25 different Beyonce heads that fit perdectly on the body of someone else. It was a long process, but once I developed a technique it became a little quicker, althought looking for the images still took a long time.

Typography :

Matching the typography to the original vinyl was very important it had to look as close as possible to the original or it would not work. It was hard to recognise what fonts were what but I have found this a really benifically task as it forced me to be aware of the characteristics of each font and how I could mimic that to be the same on my Beyonce version.

Goes wrong :

It was difficult to merge the face of Beyonce with the body of someone else and at times it went very wrong above are some examples of faces that did not fit on the body. Sometimes it was to do with the tones of the photograph and other times it was to do with the shape of the head just not fitting. It was fairly obvious and quick to spot when a head wasnt going to work, so not too much time was spent trying on different heads.

Development :

Below is how the vinyls multipied and developed. Also shows how they would look in context with a vinyl.

I am really happy with the end Vinyls I think it showcases my concept well and highlights how powerful messege and image is, and shows beyonce in a different context. I still think a little more could be added to make the messege clearer, to create more of a dialog and comparison, but I will think and come back to this.

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