Thursday 15 August 2013

COP3 : Researchers show that suppressing the brains 'filter' can improve performance in creative tasks

Researchers show that suppressing the brains 'filter' can improve performance in creative tasks -

Notes :

Article explaining about the work of Thompson Schill at the University of Pennsylvania. A study into the prefrontal cortex of the brain that is responsible for cognitive control filtering out irrelevant thoughts and focusing on the tasks. (In particular the left prefrontal cortex) they investigated an experiment where group of people are shown pictures of items such a hose it have to come up with new ideas and uses for them, showing levels of creativity.

The group was split into three, one group was a placebo group, where their brain was left 'normal'. Here the two groups were manipulated using TDCS ,which noninvasively affects the brains neurons. One group had it affect the left prefrontal cortex, the other the right.

The groups that had the placebo and the group that had the right frontal cortex manipulated could only come up with on average 15/60 new uses for objects. Whereas the people who had left brain manipulated only missed on average eight. This shows that high levels of control disadvantages creativity

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