Wednesday, 1 January 2014

COP3 : Primary research evaluation - Questionaire

Questionnaire about defining what creativity is and how people think it effects them in day to day life.
I have found the answers to this questionnaire really useful to gain an understanding about what peoples opinions are on creativity. In terms of the first question it is clear to see that the definition of creativity is not easy to pinpoint each description is slightly different which highlights that this is a word that is hard to define which is discussed in the book The cambridge handbook of creativity. Kaufman and Sternberg (2010) discus how the research into creativity is sometimes seen as not being a legitimate area of study, they put forward that this could be because it is so hard to define the word creative, so intern people see the study of creative thought in the same eyes which is not the case especially with quickly advancing technology the study into creativity has never been so far advanced.

Kaufman, J. C. and Sternberg, R. J. 2010. The Cambridge handbook of creativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1. What do you think 'creativity' is?
- A passion for visual ephemera. It is the act of imagine and idea's creation.
- Having an interest in and engaging in subjects that require independent thought.
-  Working with your imagination, being to create ideas and answers to problems without a written formula or existing patterns to follow. You are fabricating ideas form your imagination.
- A small part of thinking and acting on doing something with those ideas. inventiveness, imagination, art, music, words, acting.
- The part of the brain that does not work with facts, order and statistics that is free in it's way of thinking, whether it be with writing or visuals.
- An itch to scratch, a wonderful, satisfying itch to scratch.
- Creativity to me is the turning of ideas into reality. In whatever area of life we can have a creative idea, and not only humans, we see birds dropping stones onto eggs to open them, monkeys using sticks to access honey...but this is creating tools. We as designers use 'imagination' to bring to life and into fruition ideas (for a reason usually) in a tangible format.
-  Putting an original idea into action.
- Effective and/or unique solutions to problems. Be it, what to wear in the morning or how best to rebrand a butchers.
 It is the process in which you create something through any means, but the process to create many involve many different humans emotions, actions or reactions. To participate in creativity one must enact a form of self expression in order to produce something that didn't previously exist.
-The ability to create. A starting point. A means of overcoming, bypassing or solving problems. A lot of fun, but not always easy.
-  creativity is acting outside the bounds of normal society and culture. In the modern capitalist world we work pointless menial jobs where we are alienated from the product that we produce, this is a betrayal of what makes us human: that is our ability to visualise something in our mind and bring it into being. in this context creativity is an act of rebellion against a system of drudgery, it is a spanner in the works of the capitalist machine and it is whisper of better world that might yet come.
-The ability to come up with and adapt already existing ideas.
-  When you make stuff up using whats in your head from what you see and that.
-  Full of ideas, Smart, Clever.
- The process of having unique thoughts and ideas about the arts and being able to apply those into a physical form.
-  Is the way to express yourself out of your body using the art to use your body and tools

 2. Do you think you are 'creative'?

 - 13 people said yes
 4 people said no

3. If you answered yes, what do you think is 'creative' about yourself? If you answered no, why do you think you are not 'creative'?

 -  I enjoy expressing things visually rather than academically through writing. If things are more aesthetically pleasing, I am more likely to use them, interact with them and enjoy them.

 I enjoy drawing and writing, and generally doing things that are considered creative. I engaged more with art related 'creative' subjects throughout my education, and struggled to concentrate with more academic subjects.

 I think being able to visualise how things will look and want to realise the ideas I think about in my head.

-  My imagination

- I am terrible at methodical things such as maths, remembering facts and science. I am always thinking about my projects and how my concepts can make sense, and I love visual things. I look at the layout, stock and images of a book rather than the words.
·      Everything 
     - Imagination, the need to have knowledge and to demonstrate my directed imagination in a way that can entertain, confuse, emote or any outcome I or my clients require.
    - I think I'm well trained and naturally adept in thinking up effective, and hopefully unique solutions to problems or situations that arise
    -  I think I’m creative because I make things that respond to problems, and produce my responses through methods that engage process and perspective that can be viewed as 'creative' as they are different from the norm which would be seen as uncreative
    - My brain and my eyes and my hands when they're applied to the right medium.
    - Because when I see a wall I see a wall I don't even see the bricks anymore
   -   Express our ideas
   - Because I don't create much.
     - I can think of ideas that are unique to me
     - My pictures

4. If you answered yes to being 'creative', do you think this helps you in your profession?

 ·      13 people said yes
·      2 people said no
·      2 people skipped question

5. Do you have any comments about 'creativity'?

 -  Everyone should be more creative as the world will always be a visual place.
·      I think that anyone who is creative should not shy away from this label, as it is a skill that is not only useful in artistic subjects, but is something that can aid businesses and product innovations. This will probably make me sound like a … , but society can't really progress if people aren't thinking creatively.

    -  I think that everyone has some aspect of creativity but not everyone has it in their personality to use it.

   - I think having a creative personality makes you more open minded, adaptable, fun, experimental & Happy.
    - It is difficult to define, but I have always been creative rather than methodical and so maybe people are on or the other of those things

   - Art to me, is everything. I'd be dead if art didn't exist.

    - It is a gift from God...simply that.

    - I think everyone is genuinely creative, in different ways. We all think up solutions to problems everyday, but I think creativity in the sense of making and producing stuff, rather than solving problems for your boss is definitely schooled out of people. Everyone, literally everyone enjoyed art lessons in school - there's a reason why - it's natural to be creative, it's in our DNA - we enjoy making! Yet we had art lessons once a week and maths/science about 15. It's schooled out of us, even though we're born creative - the first thing we do as a toddler is scribble stickmen not algebra.

     - I think that everyone is creative, some just exploit and perfect the attribute more than others. I think everyone has the capacity to be a creative and it can truly benefit everyone's lives, I think the value of creativity is vastly underestimated in every industry

    - I do yeah. Anybody can be creative and creativity can present itself at any time, just because some people choose to harness it on a professional level doesn't mean they are necessarily naturally and consistently creative, and by no means the most creative people; opportunity and luck play a big part in who can/does and cannot/does-not express their creativity. It's also not exclusive to the arts, even though they do require certain relative types of creativity, this is true also for things like business or sport, which I think is a neglected thought.

-   - Don't sell your creativity to "the man"
    - I do things in a more mechanical way. I do consider some things about me to be creative, but not really.
-  - Without creativity, we would all be very boring

   - I hope this talent that everyone got will be use that now

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