We have been asked to analyse two images compare and contrasting the similarities and differences the first image we were asked to look at was 'The uncle same range (1876) advertising image by Shumacher & Ettlinger, New York' and the second being a poster by 'Savile Lumley (1915).
At first glance the uncle Sam range advertisment is very hard to understand and follow which is a contry to the other image which is very clean and consise and easy to read into. One thing that is imediently clear in the uncle sam advert is that it is American and very proud and patriotic. The colour scheme is majority red blue and White like the flag. The curtains resmeble the American flag the clothes represent the flag the carpet the wallpaper almost everything link back to America. There is also an eagle on the table which is a big American symbol. The font used also has a very wild west American feel to it also. All of this makes it very clear that this product is being andvertised to an american audience. The poster also has some patriotic content in it but bot nearly as much. It features the English rose on the curtains and an English crest on the the sofa. These small features let us know that this is an English poster aimed at the English. Compared to the American poster the patriotic content is very subtle, as is the whole poster in comparison.
Eventually in the uncle sam poster you can see the story behind It and what is going on. The item being advertised is the cooker. The reasons behind why it is being sold in such a patriotic flamboyant way became clear after noticing the clock that says the year then, 1876 and also the year 1776, the year of indapendence day. So it is a celebration of being free for 100 years. The image features 3 children labled new England, west and Dixie which are all areas of America. The reason they are children is to show the country is young, fresh, the future and growing. There are alot of symbols in this advert that aim to show that America is a great country and that this cooker is made for the rich, such the fact that things are gold which is a symbol of wealth, another symbol of wealth is that they have a slave. There is also a big enphasis on the family feel to the advert.
The English poster has a more simple messege, direct purpose and a specific auidience. Its intent is to persuade Men, fathers inparticular to join the army. They do this by like with the american adver, uses family as a main persuading point. If the man is a father this poster will take an effect on him and make him put himself in that position mentally. It's basically saying if you don't go to war your children will down on you. Like the American advert it is obvious that this too is aimed at a middle class audience you can see this from how well presented the children, father and house are. It is also promoting England in a positive way like the American advert in the way it emphasises 'The Great war'.